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Phrase Selected: Daily Herald Arlington Heights Ill.

Keyword Selected: Daily

Are You in the Ballpark? (finally, The 21st Century Creative on YouTube)

Have you ever had the experience of getting tantalisingly close to a big opportunity in your creative career a but not quite making it? Maybe it was a pitch, or a competition, a publishing opportunity, a senior role, or a funding application. Maybe you got really positive feedback. They said you were great, your work […]

The post Are You in the Ballpark? (finally, The 21st Century Creative on YouTube) appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

Creative Disruption: How 12 Creatives on 5 Continents Rose to the Challenge of the Pandemic

When the Covid 19 pandemic struck in 2020, human life on earth was massively disrupted. Not only the human tragedy of millions of lives lost, but also the social and economic damage caused by the virus and our attempts to control it. As a writer and a coach for creatives, I have been particularly concerned […]

The post Creative Disruption: How 12 Creatives on 5 Continents Rose to the Challenge of the Pandemic appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

How I Created, Funded and Launched My New Podcast (while the World Was in Meltdown)

Welcome to Episode 10 of the Creative Disruption season of The 21st Century Creative, where we are hearing stories of creatives around the world who came up with a creative response to the challenges of the pandemic. Itas been my most ambitious season yet, with creatives from 5 continents and probably the closest Iall ever […]

The post How I Created, Funded and Launched My New Podcast (while the World Was in Meltdown) appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

From Tattoos to NFTs with Ichi Hatano

Welcome to Episode 9 of the Creative Disruption season of The 21st Century Creative, where we are hearing stories of creatives around the world who came up with a creative response to the challenges of the pandemic. This week we are off to Tokyo, to meet Ichi Hatano, a wonderful artist whose work has deep […]

The post From Tattoos to NFTs with Ichi Hatano appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

Using Lockdown to Launch a Dream Project with Nicky Mondellini

Welcome to Episode 8 of the Creative Disruption season of The 21st Century Creative, where we are hearing stories of creatives around the world who came up with a creative response to the challenges of the pandemic. Have you ever had the idea for a creative project that youave never quite got round to starting? […]

The post Using Lockdown to Launch a Dream Project with Nicky Mondellini appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

All Arts Are Performing Arts

If you work on your own a in your office or studio, or your bedroom or at your kitchen table a it can feel like no one is watching. So it doesnat matter whether you show up. If you skipped a day on your novel, who would know? If you didnat go to the studio […]

The post All Arts Are Performing Arts appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

Taking Deep Work Online with Laura Davis

Welcome to Episode 7 of the Creative Disruption season of The 21st Century Creative, where we are hearing stories of creatives around the world who came up with a creative response to the challenges of the pandemic. Today weare focusing on a creative sector that is close to my heart, which was massively disrupted but […]

The post Taking Deep Work Online with Laura Davis appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

Sometimes You Have to Grind the Work Out

A few months ago I was listening to the DavidBowie: AlbumtoAlbum podcast, a terrific show about Bowie hosted by Arsalan Mohammed. In Season 3 episode 11 Arsalan spoke to Donny McCaslin, the leader of the jazz band that Bowie discovered in a New York club, and asked to work with him on what turned out […]

The post Sometimes You Have to Grind the Work Out appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

Helping Musicians Through Lockdown with Charlotte Abroms

Welcome to Episode 6 of the Creative Disruption season of The 21st Century Creative, where we are hearing stories of creatives around the world who came up with a creative response to the challenges of the pandemic. Today we are off to Australia in the company of Charlotte Abroms, a music manager based in Melbourne […]

The post Helping Musicians Through Lockdown with Charlotte Abroms appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

Work on Multifaceted Projects

Last week I suggested that if youare serious about achieving your creative ambitions, you need to think in terms of projects, not tasks. Because if you get up every morning and ask yourself aWhat should I work on today?a you risk making decisions based on what feels urgent right now, rather than what will make […]

The post Work on Multifaceted Projects appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

Staying Creative as a Parent (Even in a Pandemic) with Kay Lock Kolp

Welcome to Episode 5 of the CREATIVE DISRUPTION season of The 21st Century Creative, where we are hearing stories of creatives around the world who came up with a creative response to the challenges of the pandemic. Today we are going to look at one of the biggest challenge for many people during lockdown, whether […]

The post Staying Creative as a Parent (Even in a Pandemic) with Kay Lock Kolp appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

Focus on Projects, Not Tasks

When we think of productivity we typically think about tasks and to-do lists, working habits and routines. We focus on how to make the most of our time on a daily or at most a weekly basis. All of which is great, but if this is all we focus on, thereas a danger of getting […]

The post Focus on Projects, Not Tasks appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

Launching a New Business in the Pandemic with Amrita Kumar

Welcome to Episode 4 of the CREATIVE DISRUPTION season of The 21st Century Creative, where we are hearing stories of creatives around the world who came up with a creative response to the challenges of the pandemic. Today we meet Amrita Kumar, the co-founder and CEO of Candid Marketing, an innovative marketing agency in India. […]

The post Launching a New Business in the Pandemic with Amrita Kumar appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

Make Your Marketing Personal with a Media Dashboard

Marketing is a word that strikes fear into the heart of a lot of creatives. Itas an area where a lot of us feel we donat have a natural talent a weare far more comfortable making work than telling the world about it, let alone trying to get people to buy it. One reason for […]

The post Make Your Marketing Personal with a Media Dashboard appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

Rebooting Global Filming with Hometeam

Welcome to Episode 3 of the CREATIVE DISRUPTION season of The 21st Century Creative, where we are hearing stories of creatives around the world who came up with a creative response to the challenges of the pandemic. Today we are looking at the world of film and TV production, which was massively disrupted by the […]

The post Rebooting Global Filming with Hometeam appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

Why Rejection Doesnat (Necessarily) Mean Your Work Isnat Good Enough

A lot of creative professions involve submitting work to gatekeepers of various kinds: agents, editors, publishers, gallerists, funders, producers, studios and competition judges and so on. Yes, the 21st century gives us plenty of options for creating things without gatekeepers a you can sell direct, build your own platform, launch your own event, self-publish or […]

The post Why Rejection Doesnat (Necessarily) Mean Your Work Isnat Good Enough appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

Lockdown Series: Windows on a Changed World with Earl Abrahams

Welcome to Episode 2 of the CREATIVE DISRUPTION season of The 21st Century Creative, where we are hearing stories of creatives around the world who came up with a creative response to the challenges of the pandemic. This week we are off to South Africa, to hear from Earl Abrahams, an artist and filmmaker who […]

The post Lockdown Series: Windows on a Changed World with Earl Abrahams appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

Eat that Frog (But Eat the Cake as Well)

aEat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you for the rest of the day.a This quote is often attributed to Mark Twain. Apparently thereas no hard evidence linking it to him, but that hasnat stopped it from concentrating the minds of many people when they ask themselves […]

The post Eat that Frog (But Eat the Cake as Well) appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

The Rocky Road for Theatre through the Pandemic with Steven Kunis

Today we kick off Season 6 of The 21st Century Creative, the podcast that helps you thrive as a creative professional amid the demands, distractions and opportunities of the 21st Century. The theme for this season is CREATIVE DISRUPTION. Every episode will feature an interview with a creator whose work was disrupted by the Covid-19 […]

The post The Rocky Road for Theatre through the Pandemic with Steven Kunis appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

Video: Forget the Career Ladder a Start Creating Assets

I hope this finds you as well as can be. Here in the UK weare bracing for what we are assured will be a large wave of Omicron. I know things may be very different for you, depending on where you are in the world. But whatever the circumstances, I hope you are finding your […]

The post Video: Forget the Career Ladder a Start Creating Assets appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

My new podcast (and why itas the opposite of The 21st Century Creative)

Today is the launch of my new podcast, and itas something Iave been planning and dreaming of sharing with you for years. Itas called A Mouthful of Air. And in several ways, itas the opposite of my 21st Century Creative podcast. I designed the two shows to work together from the start, although it’s taken […]

The post My new podcast (and why itas the opposite of The 21st Century Creative) appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

Ideas Are Leprechauns

Last night I was about to go to bed when I suddenly remembered an idea Iad had for an article a few months ago. Though I say so myself, it was a great idea, and I was keen to revisit it, so I opened up the Scrivener project where I had written it downa| and […]

The post Ideas Are Leprechauns appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

Avoiding the Advice Trap with Michael Bungay Stanier

Todayas guest on The 21st Century Creative is Michael Bungay Stanier, a returning guest whose interview way back in Season 1 proved very popular. And his book The Coaching Habit turned out to be even more popular, as it went on to sell three quarters of a million copies. Michael is back with some excellent […]

The post Avoiding the Advice Trap with Michael Bungay Stanier appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

Every Creative Project Is a Revolving Door

A lot of productivity advice tells us that we need to stop procrastinating, beat Resistance, and get things done. The Americans like to talk about ashippinga, meaning finished and sent out for delivery. This emphasis on getting things done and out to market is part of their extraordinary entrepreneurial culture. Famously, Guy Kawasaki even said […]

The post Every Creative Project Is a Revolving Door appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

The 21st Century Illustrator with Krystal Lauk

Todayas guest on The 21st Century Creative is Krystal Lauk, an illustrator who took an unconventional path by creating illustrations for tech companies, and founded a studio that counts Google, Uber, Facebook and The New York Times among its clients. Itas a fascinating story of discovery and enterprise at what Krystal calls athe intersection of […]

The post The 21st Century Illustrator with Krystal Lauk appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

You Have to be Bad to Get Good

Iave recently started taking one-to-one Japanese conversation lessons. It hasnat been easy. In fact, itas been a bit of a humbling experience. Between work and family responsibilities, I only have 30 minutes a day to study Japanese, and Iave spent this time every day for the past two years memorising kanji characters, vocabulary and grammar […]

The post You Have to be Bad to Get Good appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

Writing a World-Changing Book with Cynthia Morris

Todayas guest on The 21st Century Creative is Cynthia Morris, a coach for creatives who shares insights on the book-writing process, based on her latest book The Busy Womanas Guide to Writing a World-Changing Book. So if you are contemplating writing a book – whether itas your first one or your twenty-first – there is […]

The post Writing a World-Changing Book with Cynthia Morris appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

The Art of Overhearing Yourself

If you think about overhearing something, you probably think of listening to someone elseas conversation, whether deliberately or accidentally, and picking up a titbit of information that you would never otherwise have been privy to. It might be funny, or shocking or useful, or – as in the case of so many loud phone calls […]

The post The Art of Overhearing Yourself appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

The Adventure of Writing with Emily Kimelman

Todayas guest on The 21st Century Creative is Emily Kimelman, a thriller author who has travelled the world in a boat and criss-crossed the USA in an Airstream trailer while writing and publishing her books, and selling hundreds of thousands of copies in the process. Emilyas adventurous spirit shines through in her writing as well […]

The post The Adventure of Writing with Emily Kimelman appeared first on Creative Coach | Mark McGuinness | Since 1996.

Keyword Selected: Herald

Keyword Selected: Arlington

Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s office calls Bears’ stadium proposal ‘non-starter’ after meeting

After meeting remotely with Chicago Bears executives, aides to Gov. J.B. Pritzker still expressed skepticism about Chicago stadium plan.

New Amtrak service to begin between Chicago and St. Paul

The new Borealis service will begin May 21.

What marijuana reclassification means for the United States

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is moving toward reclassifying marijuana as a less dangerous drug. What does that mean, and what are the implications?

Illinois ranks 30th for hospital safety, down two spots from last year, says Leapfrog report

In all, 22% of Illinois hospitals earned A grades for safety from Leapfrog, compared with nearly 25% in the fall.

Illinois pot businesses could gain tax benefits, easier loan access under DEA reclassification

Cannabis company owners in Illinois welcomed the news that the federal government is expected to reclassify marijuana as a drug with medicinal value and lower potential for abuse.

Portillo’s workers at Aurora food prep facility vote to unionize

The location is the second Portilloas facility to unionize, though the results of a vote at an Addison location a year ago remain contested.

The deadline to consolidate some student loans to receive forgiveness is here. Hereas what to know

Borrowers with some types of federal student loans have until today to consolidate their loans to qualify for full student loan cancellation or credit toward cancellation.

Down to Business: After 30 years in the cookie and cupcake biz, owner still loves that ‘wowa response

Q&A with Stacey Swartz, owner of Cookies By Design and Cupcakes By Design in Naperville.

McDonaldas plans to step up deals, marketing to combat slower fast food traffic

The Chicago burger giant said inflation-weary customers are eating out less often in many big markets.

Bankrupt Etta restaurants bought for $4 million by Texas fintech entrepreneur, who plans to grow the brand

Johann Moonesinghe, CEO of Austin-based restaurant fintech startup inKind, completed the acquisition April 16, setting the table for Etta to emerge from bankruptcy.

Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s office calls Bears’ stadium proposal ‘non-starter’ after meeting

After meeting remotely with Chicago Bears executives, aides to Gov. J.B. Pritzker still expressed skepticism about Chicago stadium plan.

New Amtrak service to begin between Chicago and St. Paul

The new Borealis service will begin May 21.

What marijuana reclassification means for the United States

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is moving toward reclassifying marijuana as a less dangerous drug. What does that mean, and what are the implications?

Illinois ranks 30th for hospital safety, down two spots from last year, says Leapfrog report

In all, 22% of Illinois hospitals earned A grades for safety from Leapfrog, compared with nearly 25% in the fall.

Illinois pot businesses could gain tax benefits, easier loan access under DEA reclassification

Cannabis company owners in Illinois welcomed the news that the federal government is expected to reclassify marijuana as a drug with medicinal value and lower potential for abuse.

Portillo’s workers at Aurora food prep facility vote to unionize

The location is the second Portilloas facility to unionize, though the results of a vote at an Addison location a year ago remain contested.

The deadline to consolidate some student loans to receive forgiveness is here. Hereas what to know

Borrowers with some types of federal student loans have until today to consolidate their loans to qualify for full student loan cancellation or credit toward cancellation.

Down to Business: After 30 years in the cookie and cupcake biz, owner still loves that ‘wowa response

Q&A with Stacey Swartz, owner of Cookies By Design and Cupcakes By Design in Naperville.

McDonaldas plans to step up deals, marketing to combat slower fast food traffic

The Chicago burger giant said inflation-weary customers are eating out less often in many big markets.

Bankrupt Etta restaurants bought for $4 million by Texas fintech entrepreneur, who plans to grow the brand

Johann Moonesinghe, CEO of Austin-based restaurant fintech startup inKind, completed the acquisition April 16, setting the table for Etta to emerge from bankruptcy.

Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s office calls Bears’ stadium proposal ‘non-starter’ after meeting

After meeting remotely with Chicago Bears executives, aides to Gov. J.B. Pritzker still expressed skepticism about Chicago stadium plan.

New Amtrak service to begin between Chicago and St. Paul

The new Borealis service will begin May 21.

What marijuana reclassification means for the United States

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is moving toward reclassifying marijuana as a less dangerous drug. What does that mean, and what are the implications?

Illinois ranks 30th for hospital safety, down two spots from last year, says Leapfrog report

In all, 22% of Illinois hospitals earned A grades for safety from Leapfrog, compared with nearly 25% in the fall.

Illinois pot businesses could gain tax benefits, easier loan access under DEA reclassification

Cannabis company owners in Illinois welcomed the news that the federal government is expected to reclassify marijuana as a drug with medicinal value and lower potential for abuse.

Portillo’s workers at Aurora food prep facility vote to unionize

The location is the second Portilloas facility to unionize, though the results of a vote at an Addison location a year ago remain contested.

The deadline to consolidate some student loans to receive forgiveness is here. Hereas what to know

Borrowers with some types of federal student loans have until today to consolidate their loans to qualify for full student loan cancellation or credit toward cancellation.

Keyword Selected: Heights

Four Google execs got 200% stock payouts for 2023 after strong company performance

Google's stock outperformance raises compensation for two executives by $23 million and by $35 million for two others.

Lauren Boebert got into a scrap with pro-Palestine protesters over a flag after she was heckled with chants of 'Beetlejuice'

Boebert was greeted with chants of "Beetlejuice," a musical she'd gotten kicked out of last year after she and her date were seen fondling each other.

Cher says she dates younger men because older men were too 'terrified' to approach her

Younger men were "the only ones" who weren't scared of her because they were "raised by women like me," Cher said on "The Jennifer Hudson Show."

Russia is displaying its war 'trophies' — an array of captured Western hardware like Abrams and Leopard tanks — saying 'victory is inevitable'

Russia is showing off more than 30 captured NATO vehicles as it seeks to blame the treaty organization for the Ukraine war.

Maya Rudolph says she got too burnt out from running her production company, so she left: 'I like working, but I don't like killing myself'

"I used to not have a choice, and so I did it, because that's what you did. You exhausted yourself," Maya Rudolph told Town and Country Magazine.

The US needs allies to help build a naval coalition if it wants to stand a fighting chance against China's massive fleet, retired admiral says

"Today, China's fleet of at least 350 warships outnumbers America's of 290," retired US Navy Adm. James Stavridis wrote in a Bloomberg op-ed.

Tesla revoked internships weeks before start date, students say

Two students posted on LinkedIn saying they had Tesla internship offers rescinded just three weeks before they were set to join the company.

All of Taylor Swift's Met Gala looks, ranked from least to most iconic

Taylor Swift first attended the Met Gala in 2008 and made her most recent appearance at the event in 2016. Here are all the outfits she's worn.

A 'Shark Tank' beauty brand was criticized for lacking deep foundation shades. It tried to fix it and made it worse.

Youthforia is a beauty brand that became popular after appearing on "Shark Tank." Now, it's facing criticism for its dark foundation shades.

Amazon, Microsoft, and Alphabet are doubling down on AI for the cloud — and it seems to be paying off

Amazon, Microsoft, and Alphabet have buckled down on their AI strategies, and it's paying off for their cloud divisions.

Who's winning the Drake vs. Kendrick Lamar showdown? Here's what critics are saying

Drake and Kendrick Lamar have been exchanging diss tracks for the past few weeks. Critics say Lamar's "Euphoria" has given him an edge.

The 8 best 4K TVs in 2024

Top 4K TVs vary in size, pricing, performance, and features. Here are the best 4K TVs you can buy in 2024, according to our TV expert.

A young Duke professor won $250,000 for her algorithms that could find symptoms of heart disease when they start

Duke University professor Amanda Randles won for her work with supercomputers and algorithms, creating blood flow simulations to treat patients.

The 5 best no-pull dog harnesses of 2024, tested and reviewed

We tested the best no-pull dog harnesses to prevent leash-pulling on walks. Our top picks include padded front-clip harnesses for large and small dogs.

Maybe Kristi Noem doesn't want to be Trump's vice president

Kristi Noem is widely thought to be in contention to be Donald Trump's running mate. But she keeps shooting herself in the foot.

3 ways I use CD ladders to get the most out of my savings worry-free

I don't want to leave all my money in a CD for a year or more and potentially not have access to it — CD ladders make it easier not to worry.

The list of Tesla execs who have left as Elon Musk shakes things up with 'hard core' layoffs

Elon Musk is down half a dozen Tesla executives and leaders amid layoffs in the last month.

The 7 best TVs of 2024

We tested a variety of 4K, HD, and 8K TVs to recommend the best OLED, QLED, and LED models for any budget.

30 best Mother's Day sales: Deals on gifts for her

Mother's Day is coming on May 12. Retailers are offering great sales and deals on gifts for her, from jewelry to subscription boxes.

These 70 House Democrats and 21 Republicans voted against a bill to crack down on antisemitism on college campuses

Progressives opposed the bill because it would require the government to use a definition of antisemitism that includes criticism of Israel.

Fisker's woes are another reason to consider leasing an EV over buying

Common wisdom eschews leasing cars, but when it comes to EVs it actually makes a lot of sense.

The 10 best pillows of 2024

Choosing the best pillow is influenced by your sleeping position. We tested dozens of adjustable, foam, down, down-alternative, and latex options.

Where to watch the Madrid Open: Live stream the 2024 tennis tournament

The 2024 Mutua Madrid Open is here. We'll show you how to watch the tournament and when the most highly-anticipated matches take place.

Disney Plus: How to sign up and what to watch

Disney Plus is home to the studio's popular movies and shows. It also carries fan-favorites from Star Wars, Pixar, Marvel, and more.

Disney Plus price: Plans, cost, and ad tier differences

Starting at $8 a month, Disney Plus is still one of the most affordable streaming services you can get. Here's a full rundown of each plan's price.

Disney Plus Bundle: How to save over 40%

The Disney Plus Bundle with Hulu and ESPN Plus gives members a big discount. Duo bundles start at $10/month, and Trio bundles start at $15/month.

Keyword Selected: Ill.

US campus protests: hundreds of police in riot gear gather at UCLA as students threatened with arrest a live

Police in California prepare to clear out more than 1,000 pro-Palestinian protesters amid crackdown on student demonstrations across the US

NYPD Deputy Commissioner, Kaz Daughtry, has confirmed that Fordham University was among a number of educational institutions which requested police assistance on campus to disperse protests.

He said that individuals who refused to disperse has been arrested without incident.

Your @NYPDnews officers continue to protect the right to peacefully protest, but lawlessness will not be tolerated. I commend the professionalism consistently displayed by our officers.

In light of the activities that are currently happening, we further request that you retain a presence on campus through at least May 22, 2024 (when commencement and diploma ceremonies are completed) to maintain order and ensure encampments are not reestablished.a

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Arizona senate passes repeal of 1864 near-total abortion ban

Democrats pick up support of two Republicans to repeal law reinstated three weeks ago, with governor expected to ratify repeal

Arizona lawmakers have repealed the stateas 160-year-old statute banning nearly all abortions.

The 1864 law, which was reinstated by the state supreme court three weeks ago, has made abortion a central focus in the battleground state and galvanized Democrats seeking to enshrine abortion rights.

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Wisconsin police kill student who came to middle school with a gun

Authorities described the student as a juvenile male but did not provide further identification or specifics pending an investigation

Wisconsin police shot and killed a student whom officials say came to a local middle school with a gun. The student never got into the school, but as a precaution the entire district was put on a lockdown late Wednesday morning.

Students have since been reunited with their parents, some of whom waited up to five hours for their children to be dropped at a bus storage center in Mount Horeb, a village about 20 miles south-west of Madison, the state capital, according to WMTV 15 news.

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US House votes to pass antisemitism bill in response to campus protests

Bill to use language by International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance to define antisemitism, which critics say would chill speech

The US House of Representatives has voted to pass an antisemitism awareness bill, a controversial measure sponsored by a New York Republican amid controversy over pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses in Manhattan and across the US, as Israelas war with Hamas drags on.

The bill passed 320-91 with some bipartisan support.

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Colombian president says government will sever Israel ties over Gaza agenocidea

Gustavo Petro tells May Day rally aif Palestine dies, humanity diesa, as Israeli foreign minister accuses president of antisemitism

Colombiaas president has announced that his government will sever diplomatic relations with Israel, in the latest escalation of a furious row between the countries over the war in Gaza.

Addressing a May Day rally in BogotA! on Wednesday, Gustavo Petro again described Israelas siege of Gaza as agenocidea.

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Harvey Weinstein faces New York retrial after 2020 rape conviction overturned

Manhattan district attorney, Alvin Bragg, says his team is determined to retry case against the disgraced movie mogul

Harvey Weinstein will be retried in New York, the Manhattan district attorneyas office said on Wednesday, a week after the stateas highest court threw out his 2020 rape conviction.

Weinstein arrived at a Manhattan courthouse in the afternoon, his first appearance since the decision by the appeals court last week.

The Associated Press contributed reporting

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Activists march for immigrant rights in Wisconsin: aWeare making this country stronga

Focus of rally went beyond immigration, to fear of authoritarianism, as Trump held campaign event nearby

Led by a mariachi band, hundreds of demonstrators on Wednesday morning marched across Milwaukee to the Fiserv Forum a the home of the Milwaukee Bucks and, in July, the venue of the Republican national convention.

The rally, organized by the immigrant and workersa rights group Voces de la Frontera, is an annual event, but in 2024 it holds particular weight. The focus of the rally extended beyond immigration, to fear of authoritarianism under Republican candidate Donald Trump and critique of Joe Bidenas handling of the US role in Israel and Gaza.

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Women live more years in ill-health than men, finds gender health gap study

While men are disproportionally affected by conditions that cause early death, women are left with higher levels of illness and disability

Women live longer than men but experience more years in poor health, according to a global gender health gap analysis that experts say underlines an urgent need for action to boost womenas health.

Globally, there are substantial differences between women and men when it comes to health, with limited progress in bridging health gaps over the past three decades, according to the study examining the impact of the worldas 20 leading causes of disease.

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Duane Eddy, pioneering rockanaroll guitarist, dies at 86

Grammy-winning musician, who had a string of instrumental hits in the 50s and 60s, has died of cancer

Duane Eddy, the rockanaroll guitarist who achieved solo stardom with a string of instrumental hits in the late 1950s and early 1960s, including Rebel Rouser and the theme to the TV series Peter Gunn, has died at the age of 86.

The Grammy-winning artist died of cancer surrounded by family at Williamson Health hospital near his home in Franklin, Tennessee, his wife Deed Abbate told the Associated Press.

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Richard Tandy, ELO keyboardist who shaped bandas futuristic sound, dies aged 76

Electric Light Orchestra leader Jeff Lynne announces death of aremarkable musician and frienda who played everything from the Minimoog to the Clavinet

Richard Tandy, the keyboardist in Electric Light Orchestra who shaped much of the British rock bandas sound, has died aged 76.

His death was announced by the ELO leader Jeff Lynne, who wrote on social media: aHe was a remarkable musician and friend and Iall cherish the lifetime of memories we had together.a A cause of death was not given.

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aThey hide when Israelis comea: Palestinians despair of leadership after killing of colonelas son

Father of Khaled Arouq, 16, joins calls to reform Palestinian Authority as IDF raids in West Bank leave rising death toll

Khaled Arouq was in his pyjamas when he was killed, shot by a sniper before dawn during a recent Israeli raid close to the centre of Ramallah. The 16-year-old, who had joined a group throwing stones at Israeli armoured vehicles, was shot in the chest and pronounced dead on arrival at the local hospital.

aMy son was killed in cold blood,a said his father, Sulaiman, his voice heavy. aThey shot him right next to our house.a

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The fight for full press freedom in Ukraine: aWe can write what we want, but bad actors try to intimidate usa

Kyiv Independentas Olga Rudenko is set on telling the truth in wartime, despite clumsy instances of state harassment

For Olga Rudenko, the editor of the Kyiv Independent, journalism is not just a profession but a moral imperative. aOur soldiers in the frontline are fighting for Ukraine to define its own future,a she says. aThey are fighting for Ukraine not to be Russia; Russia is associated with no freedom of speech, no freedom of media, no freedom whatever.

aIf they are dying, we should be using those rights.a

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Chad leader tries to step out of his battle-tested fatheras shadow

With elections looming, Mahamat Idriss DA(c)by Itno hopes to prove he is worthy of his inherited position amid reports voting will be rigged

Last month the Chadian head of state, Mahamat Idriss DA(c)by Itno, announced the release of his autobiography.

It was French publisher VA Editionsa second launch in recent months of a title by an African leader in the run-up to a presidential election. In December it had published a memoir by Felix Tshisekedi, the president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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aI want to push the limitsa: aquad goda Ilia Malinin on his mission to save figure skating a and do a quintuple

At 19, Malinin is the only person in history to land a quadruple axel a a four-and-a-half-revolution jump a in competition, and he thinks he can go further. Will his incredible athleticism revive a tarnished sport?

aI always try to be a gamechanger or innovator,a says Ilia Malinin, the American prodigy who has cut a swathe through the world of figure skating. In March in Montreal, the 19-year-old roared to his first world championship with a star-making long programme set to music from the TV show Succession. It was immediately hailed as the greatest athletic display in the sportas history.

Malinin became the second person ever to land six quadruple jumps in a single programme, and the first to do it with a quadruple axel, the heart-stopping four-and-a-half-revolution jump that had never been landed in competition until he came along. Skating with verve and pace to the lumbering strings, dissonant piano chords and swaggering 808s of Nicholas Britellas crowd-pleasing score, he won the sportas biggest competition outside the Olympics with a record-shattering free-skate score more than 24 points clear of his closest rival.

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Trump trades New York worries for hit of adulation from his Maga faithful

On a day off from his criminal trial, the ex-president hit the campaign trail a and ran through his familiar litany of falsehoods and complaints

At a remote rural airport in Michigan, an outsized plane touched down as music from Tom Cruiseas film Top Gun boomed from loudspeakers. Late afternoon sunshine gleamed off five giant golden letters on the planeas side a aTRUMPa a and its Rolls Royce engines. A crowd bedecked in red roared as the plane rolled to a standstill behind a blue aTRUMPa lectern.

A door opened and men in dark glasses and dark suits from what Donald Trump would call acentral castinga made their way down the stairs. aTrump! Trump!a the audience chanted, raising hundreds of camera phones in eager anticipation. Great Balls of Fire, Macho Man and YMCA blared. Finally, the former and would-be future president emerged, clapping and fist pumping to the sound of whoops and cheers and Lee Greenwoodas God Bless the USA.

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aThey are trying to eradicate us completelya: the passion and pain of telling the stories of Afghan women

Her family have been threatened and her team faces increasing risks in Afghanistan, but Zahra Joya knows she must keep reporting from exile

On the nights that she manages to fall asleep, Zahra Joya always returns to Afghanistan in her dreams. On good nights she travels back to Bamyan, her home province, with its green mountains and bright blue lakes, or to her parents as they looked when she was a little girl.

Increasingly though, her dreams are full of roadside bombs or men with guns. Some nights, memories of her last hours in Afghanistan play over and over on a loop: the panicked crowds outside Kabul airport, people being whipped and beaten, the sound of her sisters crying.

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A Man in Full review a skin-crawling Trump satire is a worthy Succession replacement

Jeff Daniels rages as a crooked real-estate mogul staring into the abyss of bankruptcy in this lavish take on Tom Wolfeas novel. Itas just a shame the swearing canat compete with the real deal

A Man in Full is largely about dicks. Metaphorical, mostly, but with the occasional real one popping up to cause trouble here and there.

The biggest metaphorical dick in this six-part Netflix adaptation by David E Kelley of Tom Wolfeas satirical novel is Charlie Croker (Jeff Daniels). He is a good ola boy, Atlanta born and raised, turned real-estate mogul who has enjoyed swinging his appendage all over the state for his many years on the rise. Shortly after his lavish 60th birthday, however, he is summoned by the bank for what he thinks will be a simple refinancing meeting, only to find that they are calling in the nearly $1bn of loans they have made to him. Why? Because, explains banking head Harry Zale (Bill Camp), who could not be enjoying this more, aI am talking to a shithead about one of the worst cases of mismanagement Iave ever seen.a The bank reckons too much has been spent on private jets, lavish 60th birthday parties and a above all a a private quail plantation for hunting and not enough on actual business. Croker is technically bankrupt. The party, and the quail hunting, is over.

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The vast new whaling amother shipa that Japan hopes will revive a shrinking industry

A new $47m vessel is preparing for its maiden voyage in coastal waters, but there are fears the Kangei Maru could one day mean a return to hunting in the Southern Ocean

The dish of the day has the appearance and consistency of steak. But the item on the menu at Nisshin Maru in Shimonoseki isnat brisket or rib-eye a it is a prime cut of the restaurantas speciality: whale meat.

Every few minutes, chefs in the open kitchen produce another plate of cetacean delicacies a raw sashimi marbled with fat, slices of abacona, roast minke whale cut into bite-size pieces and served with a selection of dipping sauces. On a warm weeknight, every table is full.

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aOn every roof something is possiblea: how sponge cities could change the way we handle rain

Amsterdam is home to 45,000 sq metres of ablue-greena roofs, which absorb rainwater and allow it to be used by building residents to water plants and flush toilets

You might visit Amsterdam for its canals, and who could blame you, really. But the truly interesting waterways arenat under your feet a theyare above your head.

Beautiful green roofs have popped up all over the world: specially selected plants growing on structures designed to manage the extra weight of biomass. Amsterdam has taken that one step further with blue-green roofs, specially designed to capture rainwater. One project, the resilience network of smart, innovative, climate-adaptive rooftops (Resilio), has covered more than 9,000 sq metres (100,000 sq ft) of Amsterdamas roofs, including 8,000 sq metres on social housing complexes. Citywide, the blue-green roof coverage is even bigger, estimated at more than 45,000 sq metres.

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aI donat know if my body can do thisa: does A Chorus Line still ring true for dancers?

As the 1975 musical about Broadway hoofers sets off on tour, professionals reveal how much has a and hasnat a changed since its debut

aI want it strong! Make it sharp! Take it on the downbeat and 5, 6, 7, 8!a A mass of laser-focused, high-kicking dancers move as if their lives depended on it a an epic battle royale, defeating their rivals round by round. Or an audition for a Broadway show, in other words. This oneas from A Chorus Line. Itas a musical with enduring appeal a Nikolai Fosteras acclaimed 2021 production goes on UK tour this summer.

A Chorus Lineas stories of performers struggling with troubled childhoods, sexuality, ageism, injury, breakdowns, poverty and thwarted ambition all came from real-life testimonies of Broadway dancers that director Michael Bennett recorded in late-night confessionals. The picture is one of an unforgiving career, but how true to life does the 1975 musical feel for dancers today?

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Chimps are dying of human sniffles. Is great ape tourism to blame?

Viruses that cause the common cold in humans are devastating populations of chimpanzees and gorillas. In some ape communities, itas a bigger killer than habitat loss or poaching

There was something wrong with the chimpanzees. For weeks, a community of 205 animals in Ugandaas Kibale national park had been coughing, sneezing and looking generally miserable. But no one could say for sure what ailed them, even as the animals began to die.

Necropsies can help to identify a cause of death, but normally, the bodies of chimps are found long after decomposition has set in, if at all. So when Tony Goldberg, a US wildlife epidemiologist visiting Kibale, got word that an adult female named Stella had been found freshly dead, he knew this was a rare opportunity to look for an answer.

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Gaza protesters occupying building at rural California university arrested in police crackdown

Authorities clear two buildings at Cal Poly Humboldt overnight, arresting students and faculty and detaining at least one journalist

Police cracked down on a pro-Palestine demonstration at California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt, early on Tuesday morning, clearing two buildings that protesters had occupied since last week, arresting dozens of people and detaining at least one journalist.

The public university on Californiaas far north coast said in a statement early Tuesday that an operation by law enforcement, which included police from across the state, had arestored ordera to the campus.

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Man allegedly pours bleach into Oregon hatchery tank and kills 18,000 salmon

Joshua Alexander Heckathorn, 20, arrested and booked into jail for second-degree burglary, criminal trespass and criminal mischief

Nearly 200 programs to raise baby salmon in a controlled environment dot the rivers in Oregon, holding them before releasing them into the wild to live out their life cycle. Last week, a man broke into the Winchester Bay Salmon Trout Enhancement Program (Step) and poured bleach into a Chinook salmon tank, killing about 18,000 fish.

Authorities arrested 20-year-old Joshua Alexander Heckathorn, a resident of Gardiner, Oregon, on 23 April, a day after the chemicals were dumped into one of the hatchery rearing ponds. He told law enforcement officials he had visited a storage area the day before and picked up a bottle of bleach, according to a Facebook post by the Douglas county sheriffas office. Heckathorn was arrested and booked into the Douglas county jail on Tuesday for second-degree burglary, criminal trespass and criminal mischief.

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Could Viennaas approach to affordable housing work in California?

Housing costs and homelessness are on the rise in California. In the Austrian capital, people of all income levels live in subsidised housing a and more is being built

Imagine a beautiful city where a centrally located two-bedroom apartment can cost you as little as $600 a month. For many US policymakers, itas a pipe dream. And yet in Vienna, itas a reality.

In the past two years, at least four delegations of housing experts and political leaders from California have visited the Austrian capital, hoping to unlock the secrets of why Vienna regularly comes top in surveys of the worldas most livable cities.

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Rodeo workers help Washington police round up runaway zebras on interstate

Three of the striped African mammals recaptured but one remains at large after escaping from trailer en route to Montana

Three zebras were successfully recaptured by state police and rodeo professionals after wandering on to a major interstate in Washington state, though one remains on the lam.

On Sunday, four zebras escaped from their trailer while being transported to Montana via Interstate 90, the Seattle Times reported.

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